4 min read There are a few handfuls of ... The movement of the plates creates three types of tectonic boundaries: convergent, where plates move into one another; divergent, where plates move ...
3. Tell students this allows them to learn about plate boundaries as a doctor learns about the human body. 4. Depending on your students' current level of Earth sciences knowledge, you might want ...
4. Remind students of what they learned in ... or shear). Ask them near what plate boundary (convergent, divergent, and transform) one can expect to see this kind of fault. Explain to them that ...
Four types of plate tectonic activity are demonstrated in this feature. Keep an eye on the map to see where in the world the activity takes place. Also known as spreading boundary, a divergent ...
Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer layer is made up of plates, which have moved throughout Earth's history. The theory explains the how and why behind mountains, volcanoes ...
Download a chart to use in class and an activity for practicing with these concepts: Tectonic Basins chart and activity Here is a diagram to help you understand how the tectonic basins are related to ...
A boundary where the plates slide past one another without moving towards or away from each other. If the plates move a significant distance very suddenly, this causes an earthquake. There are no ...
This is called a destructive or convergent plate boundary. When the plates collide, the denser plate, usually the oceanic one, is forced underneath the continental plate. The force of this ...